
Wonderful shades, origin and features of green amber

Products made of hardened resin have been popular since ancient times. They were worn by the Egyptians, Phoenicians, Greeks, and Romans, and clothes, household items, medical equipment and church utensils were decorated with radiant cabochons. However, among the usual solar stones, there are truly unique ones - they play in olive, emerald, and swamp tones. Our article, as well as the assortment of jewelry on the ukrburshtyn.com site and our managers, will tell you about green amber - what it is and how such gems arise.

How do green stones appear?

Natural amber is the hardened resin of prehistoric trees. Over millions of years, under the influence of temperature fluctuations, weathering, high pressure, and contact with water, other minerals and living organisms, the drops of resin slowly transformed, acquiring strength, a fascinating texture and a unique shade. But why are some cabochons different from others? Scientists have several versions. 

According to the first theory, such gems were formed from the resin of the extinct tree Hymenaea protera, which belongs to the legume family, while most precious stones come from the resin of conifers - pines, araucarias, and cypresses. However, the range of these plants is limited - archaeologists found them in Nicaragua, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, and Mexico.

The second hypothesis shows that green amber is produced when nitrogenous compounds interact with the cabochon. Similar substances are found in sea and swamp water. This is how the famous Polish gems appeared because once the small Pannonian and Sarmatian seas were located on the territory of Ukraine.

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However, whatever the reason for the appearance of such precious stones, they have always remained a desirable prey for jewelers and collectors. The simplest and dullest pieces of green solidified resin cost between $10 and $50 per gram, while the price of a large specimen with an extremely clear and vivid color can exceed $1,000 per gram. And the most expensive are inclusions - gems, in which clearly visible plants or insects can be seen.

Where is green amber mined?

There are deposits of solar cabochons in many countries, but not all of them can boast of truly unique gems. In particular, the lion's share of hardened resin from the Baltics looks quite ordinary. But in the Rivne and Volyn regions there are herbaceous and grayish-olive gems.

Amber, shimmering in lime green, blue and even indigo tones, is mined on the island of Sicily. And in Saxony (eastern Germany), along with coal deposits, greenish-golden precious stones are found.

But the most beautiful cabochons are those that were formed on the island of Haiti. Opalescent gems shimmer with emerald and blue hues, and there are also inclusions of other rocks within them. Therefore, such pieces of hardened resin resemble the bottom of the sea, where the sun's rays penetrate the transparent water, and the sand covered with algae is spread out below.

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Handmade gems

Jewelry made of green amber is in great demand, but it is rare. Therefore, even in ancient Rome, people tried to get the desired shade artificially. The following methods were used for this:

1. aging in several stages in hot gas and liquid environments;
2. heating in hot oil. Although most gemstones crack during such procedures, some of them do change color to cherry or swamp. In addition, so-called "sparkles" appear inside the cabochon - shiny reflections and chips;
3. dry glow with limited oxygen access. To do this, the gem is wrapped in foil and placed in an oven, sterilizer or oven. This method allows you to increase the temperature gradually, thanks to which the hardened resin becomes stronger, 4. transparent and acquires a deep olive tone;
5. saturation of hardened resin with copper ions;
6. coloring paste or lining of the desired shade. It is applied to the side of the precious stone that will be hidden by the setting, and then the entire structure is heated in a furnace. Similar green amber in silver looks stylish and extraordinary;

7. irradiation with hard (short-wave) ultraviolet. After it, cabochons not only change color, but also begin to glow in the dark.

All of the above technologies are based on the use of natural amber - experts simply modify its atomic structure. Therefore, such gems are not counterfeit.

However, recently, fakes made of synthetic materials - polyester and acrylic resins, glass, bakelite (a compound of phenol and formaldehyde) have become more and more widespread. Buranite also has a bright emerald shade - its crystals are grown from tree resin in laboratories. Sometimes an imitation looks so authentic that only an experienced jeweler can distinguish it from a real gem.

Therefore, if you want to buy earrings with green amber, a necklace, a bracelet or other accessories, visit our online store! The best natural gems are presented here - craftsmen carefully process each cabochon to emphasize its attractive color and spectacular texture.